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м (Новая страница: «- Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load.: // If the page name (wgPageName) contains "MediaWiki" and we're in normal view // mode, a…»)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
// Documentation/Examples: [[RL/DM#jQuery.makeCollapsible]]
// See also [[MediaWiki:JQuery-makeCollapsible.css]]
/* */
// If the page name (wgPageName) contains "MediaWiki" and we're in normal view
// mode, add "mainpage" class to the body element
* jQuery makeCollapsible
if ( /^MediaWiki(\/.+)?$/.test( wgPageName ) && wgAction == 'view' ) {
$(function() {
document.body.className += ' mainpage';
// switches for scripts
// TODO: migrate to JSConfig
// var load_extratabs = true;
var load_edittools = true;
// extra drop down menu on editing for adding special characters
importScript( 'MediaWiki:Edittools.js' );
// Editpage scripts
if( wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit' ) {
importScript( 'MediaWiki:Editpage.js' );
/* End of extra pages */
/* Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
  * From English Wikipedia, 2008-09-15
  * This will enable collapsible-functionality on all passed elements.
  * Will prevent binding twice to the same element.
* Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance.
  * Initial state is expanded by default, this can be overriden by adding class
  * Maintainers: [[User:Mike Dillon]], [[User:R. Koot]], [[User:SG]]
  * "mw-collapsed" to the "mw-collapsible" element.
* Elements made collapsible have class "mw-made-collapsible".
var hasClass = (function() {
* Except for tables and lists, the inner content is wrapped in "mw-collapsible-content".
var reCache = {};
return function( element, className ) {
return ( reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : ( reCache[className] = new RegExp( "(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)" ) ) ).test( element.className );
mw.loader.load( '' );
/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
* From English Wikipedia, 2008-09-15
  * @author Krinkle <>
  * @deprecated: Do not use this in new constructions, use class="mw-collapsible" instead
  * Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header.
  * Dual license:
  *               See [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
  * @license CC-BY 3.0 <>
  * Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]]
  * @license GPL2 <>
var autoCollapse = 2;
( function( $, mw ) {
var collapseCaption = 'hide';
var expandCaption = 'show';
function collapseTable( tableIndex ) {
$.fn.makeCollapsible = function() {
var Button = document.getElementById( 'collapseButton' + tableIndex );
var Table = document.getElementById( 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex );
if ( !Table || !Button ) {
return this.each(function() {
return false;
mw.config.set( 'mw.log.prefix', 'jquery.makeCollapsible' );
var Rows = Table.rows;
// Define reused variables and functions
var $that = $(this).addClass( 'mw-collapsible' ), // case: $( '#myAJAXelement' ).makeCollapsible()
that = this,
collapsetext = $(this).attr( 'data-collapsetext' ),
expandtext = $(this).attr( 'data-expandtext' ),
toggleElement = function( $collapsible, action, $defaultToggle, instantHide ) {
// Validate parameters
if ( !$collapsible.jquery ) { // $collapsible must be an instance of jQuery
if ( action != 'expand' && action != 'collapse' ) {
// action must be string with 'expand' or 'collapse'
if ( typeof $defaultToggle !== 'undefined' && !($defaultToggle instanceof jQuery) ) {
// is optional (may be undefined), but if passed it must be an instance of jQuery and nothing else
var $containers = null;
if ( == collapseCaption ) {
if ( action == 'collapse' ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
Rows[i].style.display = 'none';
- = expandCaption;
} else {
for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
- = collapseCaption;
function createCollapseButtons(){
// Collapse the element
var tableIndex = 0;
if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
// Hide all table rows of this table
var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( 'table' );
// Slide doens't work with tables, but fade does as of jQuery 1.1.3
$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr' );
if ( typeof $defaultToggle !== 'undefined' && ($defaultToggle instanceof jQuery) ) {
// Exclude tablerow containing togglelink
$containers.not( $defaultToggle.closest( 'tr' ) ).stop(true, true).fadeOut();
} else {
if ( instantHide ) {
} else {
$containers.stop( true, true ).fadeOut();
} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
$containers = $collapsible.find( '> li' );
if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
// Exclude list-item containing togglelink
$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent() ).stop( true, true ).slideUp();
} else {
if ( instantHide ) {
} else {
$containers.stop( true, true ).slideUp();
} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' );
// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
if ( $collapsibleContent.size() ) {
if ( instantHide ) {
} else {
for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
if ( hasClass( Tables[i], 'collapsible' ) ) {
// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
/* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
} else {
var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( 'tr' )[0];
if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
if( !HeaderRow ) {
} else {
var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[0];
if( !Header ) {
NavigationBoxes[tableIndex] = Tables[i];
} else {
Tables[i].setAttribute( 'id', 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex );
// Expand the element
if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr' );
if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
// Exclude tablerow containing togglelink
$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent().parent() ).stop(true, true).fadeIn();
} else {
$containers.stop(true, true).fadeIn();
} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
$containers = $collapsible.find( '> li' );
if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
// Exclude list-item containing togglelink
$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent() ).stop( true, true ).slideDown();
} else {
$containers.stop( true, true ).slideDown();
} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' );
// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
if ( $collapsibleContent.size() ) {
var Button    = document.createElement( 'span' );
// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
var ButtonLink = document.createElement( 'a' );
// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption );
} else {
if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
} else {
// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class and updates text label
toggleLinkDefault = function( that, e ) {
var $that = $(that),
$collapsible = $that.closest( '' ).toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
// It's expanded right now
if ( !$that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
// Change link to "Show"
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
if ( $that.find( '> a' ).size() ) {
$that.find( '> a' ).text( expandtext );
} else {
$that.text( expandtext );
// Collapse element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );
- = 'right';
// It's collapsed right now
- = 'right';
} else {
- = 'normal';
// Change link to "Hide"
- = 'right';
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
- = '6em';
if ( $that.find( '> a' ).size() ) {
$that.find( '> a' ).text( collapsetext );
} else {
$that.text( collapsetext );
// Expand element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class
toggleLinkPremade = function( $that, e ) {
var $collapsible = $that.eq(0).closest( '' ).toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
// It's expanded right now
if ( !$that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
// Change toggle to collapsed
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
// Collapse element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );
- =;
// It's collapsed right now
ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'id', 'collapseButton' + tableIndex );
} else {
ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'href', "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
// Change toggle to expanded
ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
// Expand element
toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
// Toggles customcollapsible
toggleLinkCustom = function( $that, e, $collapsible ) {
// For the initial state call of customtogglers there is no event passed
if (e) {
// Get current state and toggle to the opposite
var action = $collapsible.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) ? 'expand' : 'collapse';
$collapsible.toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
toggleElement( $collapsible, action, $that )
Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '[' ) );
// Use custom text or default ?
Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
if( !collapsetext || collapsetext === '' ){
Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ']' ) );
collapsetext = mw.msg( 'collapsible-collapse', 'Collapse' );
Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );
if ( !expandtext || expandtext === '' ){
expandtext = mw.msg( 'collapsible-expand', 'Expand' );
for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], 'collapsed' ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], 'autocollapse' ) ) ) {
collapseTable( i );
addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons );
// Create toggle link with a space around the brackets (&nbsp;[text]&nbsp;)
var $toggleLink = $( '<a href="#"></a>' ).text( collapsetext ).wrap( '<span class="mw-collapsible-toggle"></span>' ).parent().prepend( '&nbsp;[' ).append( ']&nbsp;' ).bind( '', function(e){
toggleLinkDefault( this, e );
} );
/** Dynamic Navigation Bars (experimental) *************************************
// Return if it has been enabled already.
if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-made-collapsible' ) ) {
* From English Wikipedia, 2008-09-15
} else {
*  Description: See [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
$that.addClass( 'mw-made-collapsible' );
*  Maintainers: UNMAINTAINED
// set up the words in your language
var NavigationBarHide = '[' + collapseCaption + ']';
var NavigationBarShow = '[' + expandCaption + ']';
// shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars
// Parameters:
//    indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled
function toggleNavigationBar( indexNavigationBar ) {
var NavToggle = document.getElementById( 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar );
var NavFrame = document.getElementById( 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar );
if( !NavFrame || !NavToggle ) {
return false;
// if shown now
if( == NavigationBarHide ) {
for( var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) {
if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) ) {
- = 'none';
if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
- = 'none';
- = NavigationBarShow;
// Check if this element has a custom position for the toggle link
// (ie. outside the container or deeper inside the tree)
// Then: Locate the custom toggle link(s) and bind them
if ( $that.attr( 'id' ).indexOf( 'mw-customcollapsible-' ) === 0 ) {
// if hidden now
var thatId = $that.attr( 'id' ),
} else if( == NavigationBarShow ) {
$customTogglers = $( '.' + thatId.replace( 'mw-customcollapsible', 'mw-customtoggle' ) );
for( var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) {
mw.log( 'Found custom collapsible: #' + thatId );
if( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) ) {
- = 'block';
// Double check that there is actually a customtoggle link
if ( $customTogglers.size() ) {
$customTogglers.bind( '', function( e ) {
toggleLinkCustom( $(this), e, $that );
} );
} else {
mw.log( '#' + thatId + ': Missing toggler!' );
if( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
- = 'block';
// Initial state
if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) ) {
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
toggleLinkCustom( $customTogglers, null, $that )
- = NavigationBarHide;
// adds show/hide-button to navigation bars
// If this is not a custom case, do the default:
function createNavigationBarToggleButton() {
// Wrap the contents add the toggle link
var indexNavigationBar = 0;
} else {
// iterate over all < div >-elements
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' );
for( var i = 0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++ ) {
// if found a navigation bar
if( hasClass( NavFrame, 'NavFrame' ) ) {
var NavToggle = document.createElement( 'a' );
NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle';
NavToggle.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar );
NavToggle.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + indexNavigationBar + ');' );
var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode( NavigationBarHide );
// Elements are treated differently
for( var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) {
if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
// The toggle-link will be in one the the cells (td or th) of the first row
if( == 'none' ) {
var $firstRowCells = $( 'tr:first th, tr:first td', that ),
NavToggleText = document.createTextNode( NavigationBarShow );
$toggle = $firstRowCells.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
// If theres no toggle link, add it to the last cell
if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
$firstRowCells.eq(-1).prepend( $toggleLink );
} else {
$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
} );
} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
// The toggle-link will be in the first list-item
var $firstItem = $( 'li:first', $that),
$toggle = $firstItem.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
// If theres no toggle link, add it
if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
// Make sure the numeral order doesn't get messed up, reset to 1 unless value-attribute is already used
// WebKit return '' if no value, Mozilla returns '-1' is no value
if ( $firstItem.attr( 'value' ) == '' || $firstItem.attr( 'value' ) == '-1' ) { // Will fail with ===
$firstItem.attr( 'value', '1' );
$that.prepend( $toggleLink.wrap( '<li class="mw-collapsible-toggle-li"></li>' ).parent() );
} else {
$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
} );
} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
// If a direct child .content-wrapper does not exists, create it
// Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked)
if ( !$that.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' ).size() ) {
for( var j = 0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++) {
$that.wrapInner( '<div class="mw-collapsible-content"></div>' );
if( hasClass( NavFrame.childNodes[j], 'NavHead' ) ) {
NavFrame.childNodes[j].appendChild( NavToggle );
// The toggle-link will be the first child of the element
var $toggle = $that.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
// If theres no toggle link, add it
if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
$that.prepend( $toggleLink );
} else {
$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
} );
NavFrame.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar );
// Initial state (only for those that are not custom)
addOnloadHook( createNavigationBarToggleButton );
if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) && $that.attr( 'id' ).indexOf( 'mw-customcollapsible-' ) !== 0 ) {
$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
// The collapsible element could have multiple togglers
// To toggle the initial state only click one of them (ie. the first one, eq(0) )
// Else it would go like: hide,show,hide,show for each toggle link.
toggleElement( $that, 'collapse', $toggleLink.eq(0), /* instantHide = */ true );
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );
// Remove this file when it is deployed for real (and the import from Common.js)
// The following four lines are not in the original module and are required since it is not deployed

Версия 18:50, 1 апреля 2011

// Documentation/Examples: [[RL/DM#jQuery.makeCollapsible]]
// See also [[MediaWiki:JQuery-makeCollapsible.css]]
/* */

 * jQuery makeCollapsible
 * This will enable collapsible-functionality on all passed elements.
 * Will prevent binding twice to the same element.
 * Initial state is expanded by default, this can be overriden by adding class
 * "mw-collapsed" to the "mw-collapsible" element.
 * Elements made collapsible have class "mw-made-collapsible".
 * Except for tables and lists, the inner content is wrapped in "mw-collapsible-content".
 * @author Krinkle <>
 * Dual license:
 * @license CC-BY 3.0 <>
 * @license GPL2 <>
( function( $, mw ) {

$.fn.makeCollapsible = function() {

	return this.each(function() {
		mw.config.set( 'mw.log.prefix', 'jquery.makeCollapsible' );

		// Define reused variables and functions
		var	$that = $(this).addClass( 'mw-collapsible' ), // case: $( '#myAJAXelement' ).makeCollapsible()
			that = this,
			collapsetext = $(this).attr( 'data-collapsetext' ),
			expandtext = $(this).attr( 'data-expandtext' ),
			toggleElement = function( $collapsible, action, $defaultToggle, instantHide ) {
				// Validate parameters
				if ( !$collapsible.jquery ) { // $collapsible must be an instance of jQuery
				if ( action != 'expand' && action != 'collapse' ) {
					// action must be string with 'expand' or 'collapse'
				if ( typeof $defaultToggle !== 'undefined' && !($defaultToggle instanceof jQuery) ) {
					// is optional (may be undefined), but if passed it must be an instance of jQuery and nothing else
				var $containers = null;

				if ( action == 'collapse' ) {

					// Collapse the element
					if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
						// Hide all table rows of this table
						// Slide doens't work with tables, but fade does as of jQuery 1.1.3
						$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr' );
						if ( typeof $defaultToggle !== 'undefined' && ($defaultToggle instanceof jQuery) ) { 
							// Exclude tablerow containing togglelink
							$containers.not( $defaultToggle.closest( 'tr' ) ).stop(true, true).fadeOut();
						} else {
							if ( instantHide ) {	
							} else {
								$containers.stop( true, true ).fadeOut();
					} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
						$containers = $collapsible.find( '> li' );
						if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
							// Exclude list-item containing togglelink
							$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent() ).stop( true, true ).slideUp();
						} else {
							if ( instantHide ) {
							} else {
								$containers.stop( true, true ).slideUp();
					} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
						var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' );
						// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
						if ( $collapsibleContent.size() ) {
							if ( instantHide ) {
							} else {

						// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
						// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
						} else {
							if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
							} else {

				} else {
					// Expand the element
					if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
						$containers = $collapsible.find( '>tbody>tr' );
						if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
							// Exclude tablerow containing togglelink
							$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent().parent() ).stop(true, true).fadeIn();
						} else {
							$containers.stop(true, true).fadeIn();
					} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
						$containers = $collapsible.find( '> li' );
						if ( $defaultToggle && $defaultToggle.jquery ) {
							// Exclude list-item containing togglelink
							$containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent() ).stop( true, true ).slideDown();
						} else {
							$containers.stop( true, true ).slideDown();
					} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
						var $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' );
						// If a collapsible-content is defined, collapse it
						if ( $collapsibleContent.size() ) {

						// Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
						// .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
						} else {
							if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
							} else {
			// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class and updates text label
			toggleLinkDefault = function( that, e ) {
				var	$that = $(that),
					$collapsible = $that.closest( '' ).toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
				// It's expanded right now
				if ( !$that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
					// Change link to "Show"
					$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
					if ( $that.find( '> a' ).size() ) {
						$that.find( '> a' ).text( expandtext );
					} else {
						$that.text( expandtext );
					// Collapse element
					toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );

				// It's collapsed right now
				} else {
					// Change link to "Hide"
					$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
					if ( $that.find( '> a' ).size() ) {
						$that.find( '> a' ).text( collapsetext );
					} else {
						$that.text( collapsetext );
					// Expand element
					toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
			// Toggles collapsible and togglelink class
			toggleLinkPremade = function( $that, e ) {
				var	$collapsible = $that.eq(0).closest( '' ).toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
				// It's expanded right now
				if ( !$that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ) ) {
					// Change toggle to collapsed
					$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' );
					// Collapse element
					toggleElement( $collapsible, 'collapse', $that );

				// It's collapsed right now
				} else {
					// Change toggle to expanded
					$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed' ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded' );
					// Expand element
					toggleElement( $collapsible, 'expand', $that );
			// Toggles customcollapsible
			toggleLinkCustom = function( $that, e, $collapsible ) {
				// For the initial state call of customtogglers there is no event passed
				if (e) {
				// Get current state and toggle to the opposite
				var action = $collapsible.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) ? 'expand' : 'collapse';
				$collapsible.toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
				toggleElement( $collapsible, action, $that )

		// Use custom text or default ?
		if( !collapsetext || collapsetext === '' ){
			collapsetext = mw.msg( 'collapsible-collapse', 'Collapse' );
		if ( !expandtext || expandtext === '' ){
			expandtext = mw.msg( 'collapsible-expand', 'Expand' );

		// Create toggle link with a space around the brackets (&nbsp;[text]&nbsp;)
		var $toggleLink = $( '<a href="#"></a>' ).text( collapsetext ).wrap( '<span class="mw-collapsible-toggle"></span>' ).parent().prepend( '&nbsp;[' ).append( ']&nbsp;' ).bind( '', function(e){
			toggleLinkDefault( this, e );
		} );

		// Return if it has been enabled already.
		if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-made-collapsible' ) ) {
		} else {
			$that.addClass( 'mw-made-collapsible' );
		// Check if this element has a custom position for the toggle link
		// (ie. outside the container or deeper inside the tree)
		// Then: Locate the custom toggle link(s) and bind them
		if ( $that.attr( 'id' ).indexOf( 'mw-customcollapsible-' ) === 0 ) {

			var thatId = $that.attr( 'id' ),
				$customTogglers = $( '.' + thatId.replace( 'mw-customcollapsible', 'mw-customtoggle' ) );
			mw.log( 'Found custom collapsible: #' + thatId );
			// Double check that there is actually a customtoggle link
			if ( $customTogglers.size() ) {
				$customTogglers.bind( '', function( e ) {
					toggleLinkCustom( $(this), e, $that );
				} );
			} else {
				mw.log( '#' + thatId + ': Missing toggler!' );
			// Initial state
			if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) ) {
				$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
				toggleLinkCustom( $customTogglers, null, $that )

		// If this is not a custom case, do the default:
		// Wrap the contents add the toggle link 
		} else {

			// Elements are treated differently
			if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
				// The toggle-link will be in one the the cells (td or th) of the first row
				var	$firstRowCells = $( 'tr:first th, tr:first td', that ),
					$toggle = $firstRowCells.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
				// If theres no toggle link, add it to the last cell
				if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
					$firstRowCells.eq(-1).prepend( $toggleLink );
				} else {
					$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
						toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
					} );
			} else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
				// The toggle-link will be in the first list-item
				var	$firstItem = $( 'li:first', $that),
					$toggle = $firstItem.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
				// If theres no toggle link, add it
				if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
					// Make sure the numeral order doesn't get messed up, reset to 1 unless value-attribute is already used
					// WebKit return '' if no value, Mozilla returns '-1' is no value
					if ( $firstItem.attr( 'value' ) == '' || $firstItem.attr( 'value' ) == '-1' ) { // Will fail with ===
						$firstItem.attr( 'value', '1' );
					$that.prepend( $toggleLink.wrap( '<li class="mw-collapsible-toggle-li"></li>' ).parent() );
				} else {
					$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
						toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
					} );
			} else { // <div>, <p> etc.
				// If a direct child .content-wrapper does not exists, create it
				if ( !$that.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' ).size() ) {
					$that.wrapInner( '<div class="mw-collapsible-content"></div>' );
				// The toggle-link will be the first child of the element
				var $toggle = $that.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
				// If theres no toggle link, add it
				if ( !$toggle.size() ) {
					$that.prepend( $toggleLink );
				} else {
					$toggleLink = $toggle.unbind( '' ).bind( '', function( e ){
						toggleLinkPremade( $toggle, e );
					} );

		// Initial state (only for those that are not custom)
		if ( $that.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) && $that.attr( 'id' ).indexOf( 'mw-customcollapsible-' ) !== 0 ) {
			$that.removeClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
			// The collapsible element could have multiple togglers
			// To toggle the initial state only click one of them (ie. the first one, eq(0) )
			// Else it would go like: hide,show,hide,show for each toggle link.
			toggleElement( $that, 'collapse', $toggleLink.eq(0), /* instantHide = */ true );
	} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );

// Remove this file when it is deployed for real (and the import from Common.js)
// The following four lines are not in the original module and are required since it is not deployed
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